Map 1 extends the analysis of the total number of nights spent by residents and non-residents in tourist accommodation to all NUTS level 2 … Gästeübernachtungen (2012): 30.680.979 Menschen zählte das italienische Statistik Amt Istat im Jahr 2012, welche in Rom übernachtet haben. Rome Tourist office - Rome tourism official travel agency information about, vacations, art, culture, history, events, nature, sea side, lakes, permanent and not permanent exhibition in Rome and the Vatican city. Tourism pressures in the EU were largely concentrated in coastal regions (principally, but not exclusively, in the Mediterranean), Alpine regions, and (capital) city regions. Tourism Price in € *) Free Download .
Durchschnittlich hielten sich die Besucher drei Tage in Rom auf, woraus man schließen kann, dass viele wegen der Sehenswürdigkeiten gekommen sind und nicht aus geschäftlichen Gründen.
Together with the Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, they constitute UNWTO’s main datasets and publications on annual tourism statistics. All tours of Rome, Province of Rome and the Vatican City can be arranged on foot, by bike, by bicycle, by limousine, minivan, bus. The number of tourists, however, fell dramatically towards the 1870s, when Rome became a battle-ground for revolutionaries and one of the homes of the Risorgimento , and remained like that except for a brief period in the 1920s. Tourism participation: More than nine out of ten residents of Finland participated in tourism 64% of EU residents made at least one personal trip in 2018 It is estimated that 64.1 % of the EU-27’s population aged 15 or over took part in tourism for personal purposes in 2018, in other words they made at least one tourist trip for personal purposes during the year. Il sito capitolino utilizza cookie tecnici e di terze parti, per il corretto funzionamento delle pagine web e per il miglioramento dei servizi. Towards the 1840s, the first sort of mass-tourism began, and Rome became an extremely popular attraction for not only British people, but for people of all around the world. Tourismus in Österreich 2019 The guest numbers from Austria and abroad, as well as, the nights spent and the structure of the Austrian accommodation establishments form an important basis for the planning and analysis of …

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