Hier erhalten Sie weitere Informationen zu Ausbildung und Studium beim Landkreis OSL. Through OSL to the World life changing discipleship resources are being given to pastors and leaders around the globe, FREE OF CHARGE! Telefon: 03573 / 870 - 4352. OSL Healing Mission. Operation Solid Lives (OSL) Level 1 Faith Builders CD Set (ENGLISH) - 5 PACK $ 160.00 Tithing: Absolutely, Positively New Testament (Audio CDs) $ 20.00 Operation Solid Lives (OSL) Workbook (ENGLISH) – 10 PACK $ 65.00 A discipleship program that has changed thousands of lives through the power of God's word. Jesus said in Matthew 28:19 "Go... make disciples of all nations...".Through OSL Missions Trips we take the life changing power of God’s word, packaged in Operation Solid Lives all around the world!. OSL Mission Trips. Give the Gift of Discipleship... Every Month. PO Box 780909 San Antonio, TX 78278 (877) 992-5222 Support@OSLToday.org For Prayers Email PrayerLine@OSLToday.org. Passwort.

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Freie Lehrerstellen: Das Land stellt weitere engagierte Lehrkräfte auch in unserer Region ein. Anmelden; Online Systemlogistik . Be a part of an OSL Missions Team and experience the joy of resourcing pastors and leaders with tools and training to disciple their local congregations. We are supportive of one another in the various ways God chooses to heal – spiritually, emotionally, and/or physically. Technologiepark 8 33100 Paderborn . Sign up to give the gift of discipleship to someone new every month. Operation Solid Lives (OSL). Telefon: 0 52 51 - 77 99 6 - 0 Telefax: 0 52 51 - 77 99 6 - 90 . Anfragen zum Coronavirus - Gesundheitsamt OSL . Externe Ausschreibungen: Derzeit liegen keine externen Ausschreibungen vor.

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Saturday, October 31 Loving, Listening and Praying.

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