Email: ar.sekretariat(at) Semester Schedule. In order to support you in the realization of your study projects, we have a wide range of facilities in our house, some of which are available 24/7. Administration. Our training profile is focused on an integrated design process and creative competence in connection to the technically constructive knowledge. 54293 Trier. Further Downloads. Telefon:+49 (0)651- 8103- 289. Neben dem Hauptcampus Schneidershof, der unweit der Mosel mit Blick über die Stadt … Coming to Trier - Exchange and Regular Study Program We are happy to have a lot of students from all over the world with us every semester. Die Hochschule Trier ist ein hervorragender Ort für praxisorientiertes Lernen, für zukunftsweisende Forschung und Lehre. Downloads. Die Fachrichtungen Architektur, Intermedia Design, Innenarchitektur, Modedesign und Kommunikationsdesign in Trier sowie Edelstein und Schmuck in Idar-Oberstein bilden zusammen den Campus Gestaltung der Hochschule Trier. Timetable.
Die Hochschule Trier ist an drei Standorten und Campus vertreten. They provide us with an interesting insight to their culture and way of building from there home country as we provide them with insights from our culture in return. 340 ... Hochschule Trier FB Gestaltung/FR Architektur Gebäude D Schneidershof. Mit rund 7.100 Studierenden gehört sie zu den größten Hochschulen angewandter Wissenschaften in Rheinland-Pfalz, in Europa zentral an den Grenzen zu … More than 1000 students study at the Campus for Design and Art in a lively, interdisciplinary and intercultural exchange. The fields of Architecture, Intermedia Design, Interior Design, Fashion Design and Communication Design at the Trier campus and Gemstone and Jewellery at the Idar-Oberstein campus together form this unique creative campus. On 30.10.2019 the Holzkompetenzzentrum Trier received the funding decision for max.