Arison Lashes 3D 100% Handgefertigte Künstliche Wimpern Synthetische Natürlicher Blick Augen Falsche Wimpern 1 Paar. Cross style design, make you more attractive, 3D style: Each pair of our 3D lashes are hand-made by our workers. Arison Lashes 3D 100% Handgefertigte Künstliche Wimpern Sibirischer Nerzhaar Natürlicher Blick Augen Falsche Wimpern 1 Paar. Can be removed by eye makeup remove. 16.05.2019 - Erkunde magdakirschners Pinnwand „Falsche wimpern“ auf Pinterest. Professional super soft real mink lashes give your eyes a beautiful natural lift, fashion and chic, make you more attractive, for an unbelievably elegant and glamorous finish to your daytime or evening look 3D. The 3d style lashes look shiny and vivid, which can add a dramatic look to your eye makeup and boom your apperance instantly. »more. Arison Lashes 3D 100% Handgefertigte Künstliche Wimpern Sibirischer Nerzhaar Natürlicher Blick Augen Falsche Wimpern (1 Paar) Arison Lashes 3D 100% Handgefertigte Künstliche Wimpern Synthetische Natürliche Blick Augen Falsche Wimpern (1 … Arison Lashes 1 paar … Our eyelashes can be used up to 25 times with careful handling. Weitere Ideen zu Falsche wimpern, Wimpern, Schminkzeug. We have designed 600 styles of fashion eyelashes. We also love glitter for an extravagant eye-catcher with every makeup look. Arison Lashes Künstliche Wimpern Transparent Terrier 3D 100% Handgefertigte Sibirischer Nerzhaar Natürlicher Blick Augen Falsche Wimpern Durchsichtiges Band (1 Paar) Arison Lashes 3D 100% Handgefertigte Künstliche Wimpern Sibirischer Nerzhaar Natürlicher Blick Augen Falsche Wimpern (1 Paar) Arison Lashes Professional Natural Look 3D Mink Eyelashes 1 Pair. 2. Because of our love of false eyelashes, we decided to offer high quality eyelashes at a humane, affordable price. Ähnliche Produkte . Fashion: they are easily cleaned, charming, make you more attractive, fashion and chic, none fall out or miss-shape. Arison Lashes 3D 100% Handgefertigte Künstliche Wimpern Sibirischer Nerzhaar Natürlicher Blick Augen Falsche Wimpern 1 Paar. Convenient and safe: easy to …
Weitere Ideen zu Falsche wimpern, Wimpern, 3d wimpern. 30.06.2019 - Erkunde fatmagueltutars Pinnwand „Falsche Wimpern“ auf Pinterest.
Buyer's attention Not suitable for children under 36 months. So each pair of lashes delivered to you are in good quality.
,,Eyes without lashes are like cake with no frosting. Your look isn't completed yet? Seller promises 1.
just try it with some glitter.