Herbal liqueur containing flakes of 22-23 karat gold.. Users have rated this product 4 out of 5 stars. A glittering source of inspiration for over 400 years. The most prominent characteristic of the drink is small flakes of 23 karat gold suspended in it. Danziger Goldwasser (Polish: Gdańska wódka, "vodka of Gdańsk"), with Goldwasser as the registered tradename, is a strong (40% ABV) root and herbal liqueur which was produced from 1598 to 2009 in Danzig ().Production now takes place in Germany. Danziger Goldwasser is a world-famous liqueur speciality which has a truly unique characteristic - it contains genuine 22-carat gold leaf. Great poured over ice or delicious in a champagne cocktail, Danziger Goldwasser truly gives 'The taste of real gold'. Jahrhundert zurückverfolgen. Das Danziger Goldwasser ist ein Gewürzlikör, der ursprünglich von der Likörfabrik Der Lachs zu Danzig hergestellt wurde, seine Geschichte lässt sich bis in das 16. Der klare und würzig-süße Likör, in dem kleine Blattgoldflocken schwimmen, … Goldwasser (w tłumaczeniu z niemieckiego: złota woda), Danziger Goldwasser (złota woda gdańska) – mocny (minimum 38% alkoholu) likier ziołowo-korzenny wytwarzany w Gdańsku według pomysłu XVI-wiecznego uchodźcy religijnego z Lier, Ambrożego Vermoolena (lub Vermöllena), który wraz ze swoim majątkiem przywiózł z Niderlandów receptury nieznanych dotąd w Prusach likierów. Discover everything you need to know about Danziger Goldwasser—a hiking attraction recommended by 4 people on komoot—and browse 7 photos & 1 insider tips. Germany – famous primarily for the world-class Riesling produced in its Mosel ... Stores and prices for 'Der Lachs Danziger Original Goldwas ... ' | tasting notes, market data, prices and stores in Germany.
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