Geriatrie, Krankenhaus St. Barbara Attendorn, Germany Correspondence to: Michael Lerch, E-mail: [email protected] Bethanien Iserlohn gGmbh Klinik für Geriatrie und Geriatrische Tagesklinik Chefarzt Erich Esch Facharzt für Innere Medizin- Pneumologie-Geriatrie Hugo-Fuchs-Allee 3 T (02371) 212 – 198 (Sekretariat) T (02371) 212 – 225 (Geriatrie) F (02371) 212- 298 [email protected] Diakonie Anmeldebogen geriatrische … ☎ … Medizinische Leistungen, Diagnosen, Untersuchungen, Behandlungen, Operationen … Termin vereinbaren Infos Geriatrie Free to read & use. Geriatrie, Krankenhaus St. Barbara Attendorn, Germany Correspondence to: Michael Lerch, E-mail: [email protected] Abstract Purpose: Initiation of an multimodal, customer focused service network across the service sectors for multimorbid patients: for example the hard-of-hearing. Geriatrie, Evangelisches Krankenhaus Bethanien Iserlohn Abteilung im Vergleich Auszeichnungen Telefon-Nr. Krankenhaus Bethanien, Iserlohn, Germany Mertens Matthias Seniorenbeauftragter Zahnarzt, Zahnärztliche Praxis Schwerte, Germany Decker-Maruska Mechthild Abt. Krankenhaus Bethanien Iserlohn, Germany International Journal of Integrated Care, 31 Dec 2009, 9(Suppl) PMCID: PMC2807091. Krankenhaus Bethanien Iserlohn, Germany Mechthild Decker-Maruska , Abt. Geriatrie, Krankenhaus St. Barbara, Attendorn, Germany. Abstract . Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literature. PurposeEvaluation of a customer-designed dental service network across the service sectors for geriatric patients.ContextThe lack in accessibility of dental services and the non-awareness of possible dental causes to medical problems by clinicians often prevents the geriatric patient from receiving the dental care needed.
Probiotic Saccharomyces Boulardii for the Prevention of Antibiotic-associated Diarrhoea - Full Text View. Mechthild Decker-Maruska, Abt. AGAPLESION EV. Krankenhaus Bethanien Iserlohn, Germany Mechthild Decker-Maruska, Abt. Share this article Share with email Share with twitter Share with linkedin Share with facebook. KRANKENHAUS BETHANIEN ISERLOHN Frauenklinik Sekretariat Andrea Rottenberg Hugo-Fuchs-Allee 3 58644 Iserlohn (02 371) 212 - 350. frauenklinik.bki this is not part of the email @ NOSPAM